This Is My Advanced Feeling
I'm feeling on top of the world!
This is my turn
to show the world who i am!
I am A human being!
This is my Advanced Feeling
And this who i Truely well are!
This is my feelings
and this is who i am
why cant you understand me
and take me!
This is my advanced feelings
why wont you let me
live theses
these are precious
this is me!
This is my world
Please drop In
Because that Is that
this is all i can be
And This Is My Advanced Feelings!
Please don't try and understand
Because you never will!
Theses are Mine ..
great, just great!
If These r ur lines then u r definatelly a person i would like to share my feelings about the philosphy called love.
Hats off :)
when u experince this situation u realise it....and you just made it..!!
iTa rElLlyyy tRuE!!!!!
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i lovee it taa xx :) :)
thanks you xxx
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